Is Content Marketing the Right Approach for Your Private Equity Firm?

Consider from the perspective of a founder how access to more information would help you determine if private equity was right for you.

What value can content marketing create for your firm that business development and public relations alone cannot? What does content marketing for private equity even look like?

Content marketing for private equity is about creating content that positions your firm as the preferred partner for your prospects. You can do so by publishing and promoting content that:

  • Educates prospects about private equity and your firm
  • Demonstrates your expertise as a partner in your sector
  • Showcases testimonials and social proof from your port cos

When determining whether content marketing is the right approach for your firm, consider that while as a firm you may be buying companies, to do so, companies have to first buy you

In other words, until founders are comfortable with the idea of 1) bringing on a capital partner, and 2) working with you specifically, you’re stuck. The only way to place capital is to sell yourself to prospects.

So now let’s turn the tables here and think like a buyer.

First question: When you’re buying something, do you prefer more or less information? Access to more information is always better when you’re making a purchasing decision.

Second question: As the complexity or uncertainty of a purchase goes up, do you prefer more or less information? Again, more information is better.

Third question: When evaluating a purchase, do you prefer to do as much of your own research as possible before talking to a salesperson? For most consumers, the answer would be yes.

Generally speaking, buyers prefer better access to information and prefer to educate themselves well before they talk to anyone. Yet in private equity, painfully few firms are taking action on this insight by creating content to address founders’ largest concerns, despite the fact that a private equity investment is likely one of the most complicated transactions a person could ever experience.

So to answer the title question “Is content marketing the right approach for your firm?”, if you at all are having to sell yourself and your firm to prospects, then yes, content marketing is not just the right approach, but the best approach for your firm.

Learn more about marketing for private equity


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